Monday, May 22, 2017

Vintage Postcard

1. What is your favorite image and what does it represent?
- My favorite image is the door splash one because it highlights the picture in the background of the letters.
2. What do you like about your postcard?
- I like my postcard because of how bright the colors are.
3. What could you have improved upon?​
- I could have improved placing the image behind the letters because you can't see it that well.
4. Explain what a layer mask does?​ 
- A layer mask allows you to edit one part of the image.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Web Quest Reflection

This project was really helpful in learning how to take better photos and I really enjoyed trying out the different types of photography techniques. These techniques really help to make photos more interesting to look at and I learned a lot in this project, including different angles to shoot at, and how to balance photos. It was really interesting to see how much better a photograph can look by changing the angle and composition. I also learned how background can really help to make a subject stand out in a photo and how lines can lead your eye to the main subject.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Still Life

1) What was your reason for the arrangement and background color?
- I chose this arrangement and background color because it makes the colors pop and stand out.
2) How is the lighting in your image?
- 1: diffused 2: defused and direct 3: direct
3) What adjustments did you use?
- I changed the lighting and angles
4) How could you improve your composition?
- I can improve my composition by trying more angles and making sure I get the whole background in the picture.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Surreal Photography

What is the most important aspect when creating his work?
- The most important aspect when creating his work is capturing an idea and being imaginative.

What do you find interesting about his work?
- I think his work is really interesting because they're all unique and original.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Fake HDR Photo

HDR Photography Article

Ken Kaminesky's image in this article really impresses me because of how he was able to capture the movement of the cars and still show tons of detail. A lot of the other photos don't look very realistic and his are extremely clear and I like the style of his.

HDR Photography

HDR photography means High Dynamic Range and its taking several different shots at different exposures and then compiling them all together into one with software. This bring details to shadows and highlights and an overall more detailed and better photo. Two ways to create a successful HDR image is to use a tripod so no movement is captured and to only do HDR when you need to, because sometimes the lighting is good enough that you don't need to.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Abstracted Images



1) My favorite shot is the first one because with the filter, it looks like a painting.
2) The last shot shot the best use of the elements of art because it shows texture, detail, and lines.
3) My favorite image (first) uses texture, detail, and the rule of thirds.
4) The first image is my favorite because it looks like a painting with the filter.

Friday, March 10, 2017

The Grand Landscape

Did you use the rule of thirds? What did you emphasize with it sky or land?
- I used the rule of thirds and the land is emphasized because it shows a lot of detail and the sky is clear.

What principles of design did you use and how?
- I used proportion because the size of the trees help to show how big Half Dome is.

What time of day was your image taken? Was it a good time to shoot or not?
- My image was take during sunset and it was a good time to shoot because Half Dome was illuminated by the sun, which makes it stand out.

How did you use the foreground/background relationship?
- The foreground is full of detail and the background is clear, so it really makes the foreground stand out.

Edge Burning

Which method do you think product the best result for you?
- I think adding more contrast produced the best result because it gave more detail.

Did you achieve a large value range for each image?
-Yes I achieved a large value range for each image.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Landscape Detail

1) How was using the macro lens?
- Using the macro lens was really easy and it got a lot of detail in the shots.
2) Which is your favorite shot and why? 
- My favorite shot is the leaf because it shows a lot of detail.
3) Which shot shows the best use of the rule of thirds?
- The second shot shows the best use of the rule of thirds because the focus is in the top right of the image.
4) What principles of design are used in your favorite image?
- My favorite image shows lines, color, and patterns.

Thursday, February 16, 2017


1. What was your team’s overall concept and did you succeed in crafting the cinemagraph the way you intended?
-My teams overall concept was to make something simple and carefree and I think we succeeded in the way we made it.

2. Were you more involved in the creative, photographic, or technical portion of the process, what did you do?

- I was more involved in the photographic concept because I shot the video.

​ 3. What would you have done differently when creating your cinema graph?

- I would have found a place with a nicer background when creating our cinema graph. 

4. What would have made this project easier to understand or create?

- It would have been easier to make this project if the angle was higher so we could use the tripod.

5. How was the team dynamic - great, good, fair, poor, and did everyone share the work?

- The team dynamic was great and everyone shared their work.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Photographing Water

Station 3:
It was easy to get a good shot because it was easier to focus with my phone.
I didn't really like shooting burst mode because it wasn't very detailed and the drops were blurry.

Station 4:
It was easy to get a good shot because it was easier to focus with my phone.
For this shot, my team put a lot of different color droplets in the water to make it look more interesting.

Station 2:
It was not easy to get a good shot at this station because it was really hard to get the camera to focus.
I didn't like shooting without the flash because it was harder to see and focus it.

Station 1:
It was easier to get a good shot at this station because the camera could focus better.
I liked shooting with the flash because it was easier to see and show detail in the drops.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Artificial Motion

Does your image look real? Why or why not?
- My image looks real because it shows the cars in motion

Friday, January 27, 2017

Action Shots 6 Frame

1. Which camera did you use and was the burst mode easy or hard to use?
- I used my iPhone and the burst mode was really easy to use because all you have to do is hold down on the button

2. What is your favorite frame and why?
- My favorite frame is the 5th one because it shows her in the air

3. What do you find interesting about action shots?
- I think its really interesting how you can show that the subject is in motion because the background is blurred

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Photo Scavenger Hunt





 B&W tree w/ rule of thirds, texture, value

 Rule of thirds cool colors



Balance - Symmetry

Rule of thirds warm colors

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Action Photos

manual mode
Shutter speed: 1/1250 sec

manual mode
Shutter speed: 1/1250 sec

manual mode
Shutter speed: 1/1250 sec

manual mode
Shutter speed: 1/1250 sec

Which image is your favorite and why?
- My favorite image is the one where she is blowing bubbles because the bubbles are blurry and shows the action of them being blown.

Was your subject in focus and your background blurry, if not, what do you think you could've done  to make your subject in focus?
- My subject is in focus and the background is blurry.

What angle did you shoot from and was it the best angle?
- I think the angle I shot from was the best angle because from the side you're able to see all the bubbles being blown.