Friday, March 10, 2017

The Grand Landscape

Did you use the rule of thirds? What did you emphasize with it sky or land?
- I used the rule of thirds and the land is emphasized because it shows a lot of detail and the sky is clear.

What principles of design did you use and how?
- I used proportion because the size of the trees help to show how big Half Dome is.

What time of day was your image taken? Was it a good time to shoot or not?
- My image was take during sunset and it was a good time to shoot because Half Dome was illuminated by the sun, which makes it stand out.

How did you use the foreground/background relationship?
- The foreground is full of detail and the background is clear, so it really makes the foreground stand out.

Edge Burning

Which method do you think product the best result for you?
- I think adding more contrast produced the best result because it gave more detail.

Did you achieve a large value range for each image?
-Yes I achieved a large value range for each image.

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