Monday, September 12, 2016

The Principles of Design

 Pattern: The repetition of any of the elements of art.

 Balance: The appearance of equal visual weight within a composition.

 Unity: When all the individual parts of your photograph come together and support each other to make one unified image.

 Variety: All the diverse art elements and principles found in a picture, such as light and dark, big and small, smooth and rough.

 Movement: Real or implied motion.

 Rhythm: another type of movement in visual art, created by the organized repetition of art elements like color, value, shape, and line.

 Emphasis: Refers to dominance and subordination, giving some objects greater visual importance.

 Proportion: The relationship between the sizes of objects or components in an image.

Rule of Thirds: Style of composition where you divide your picture space into equal thirds and objects that appear at the intersections of the vertical and horizontal lines look most pleasing to the eye.

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