Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Bracketing: Studio Shots

#1: F-Stop

 #2: Shutter Speed

1. Which setting worked the best? 
- The setting of 1/30th of a second shutter speed and F5.6 worked the best.
2. Which setting did not work at all?
- The setting of 1/60th of a second and F5.6 did not work.
3. Did this exercise help you understand f/stops better? how?
- This exercise helped me to understand f/stops better because I saw that as I changed the f/stops, the lowest f/stop was brighter and the highest f/stop was darker.
​4. If you want to increase the depth of field in a scene and keep the same level of exposure, what are your options?
- You would need to change the shutter speed to change the depth of field, then you would have to change the f/stop to keep the same level of exposure.

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