Thursday, February 16, 2017


1. What was your team’s overall concept and did you succeed in crafting the cinemagraph the way you intended?
-My teams overall concept was to make something simple and carefree and I think we succeeded in the way we made it.

2. Were you more involved in the creative, photographic, or technical portion of the process, what did you do?

- I was more involved in the photographic concept because I shot the video.

​ 3. What would you have done differently when creating your cinema graph?

- I would have found a place with a nicer background when creating our cinema graph. 

4. What would have made this project easier to understand or create?

- It would have been easier to make this project if the angle was higher so we could use the tripod.

5. How was the team dynamic - great, good, fair, poor, and did everyone share the work?

- The team dynamic was great and everyone shared their work.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Photographing Water

Station 3:
It was easy to get a good shot because it was easier to focus with my phone.
I didn't really like shooting burst mode because it wasn't very detailed and the drops were blurry.

Station 4:
It was easy to get a good shot because it was easier to focus with my phone.
For this shot, my team put a lot of different color droplets in the water to make it look more interesting.

Station 2:
It was not easy to get a good shot at this station because it was really hard to get the camera to focus.
I didn't like shooting without the flash because it was harder to see and focus it.

Station 1:
It was easier to get a good shot at this station because the camera could focus better.
I liked shooting with the flash because it was easier to see and show detail in the drops.