Friday, October 7, 2016

Movie Questions

1) What type of photography does Pete Souza practice as the president's photographer?
- Pete Souza practices photographic archive.

2) Who was the first president to have a photographer?
- President Lyndon Johnson was the first president to have a photographer.

3) What did Nixon do to his photographer?
- Nixon restricted the access of his photographer and told him to leave a broadcast.

4) The President's photographer's office used to be the what?
- The President's photographers office used to be a barber shop for the president.

5) Where are most of the photographer's photographs displayed?
- Most of the photographer's photographs are displayed on the wall in the halls of the West wing at the White House.

6) How long is the photographer's typical day?
- The photographer's typical day is usually all day long, Pete has to go wherever the President goes.

7) Can Pete delete photos if he does not like them? Why/why not?
- No, the photos are all part of the national archive and cannot be deleted by law.

8) Would you want to be the President's Photographer? Why/why not?
- I wouldn't want to be the President's photographer because even though it would be cool, I wouldn't want to have to work all day every day and dedicate all my time towards it.

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