Friday, October 21, 2016

Light Painting

 F5, ISO 200, 10 secs

 F5, ISO 200, 15 secs

 F5, ISO 400, 15 secs

F5, ISO 200, 10 secs

1. The lower the f stop what happens?
- More light will be let through.

2. The higher the f stop what happens?
- Less light will be let through.

3. The shorter the exposure what happens?
- Less light will be let through, darker image.

4. The longer the exposure what happens?
- More light will be let through, brighter image.

5. What worked well?
- The last image of the skull worked well, it's not too bright or dark and the blue light came out looking really nice.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

What is Photography Assignment

Pictures Before Editing:







1. Which tool worked best for your first image?
- The Curves tool worked the best for first image because it really brought out the colors in the photo.

2. Which tool worked best for your second image?
- The levels tool worked the best for my second image because it helped to show the texture on the bark of the tree.

3. Which tool did you like working with the best?
- I liked working with the curves tool the best because it made the pictures look really detailed.

4. Did the texture in your image look better after you applied the filter? Why or why not?
- The texture in my images looked a lot better after I applied the filter because the contrast brought out all the details and showed the texture. The filter also made the value of the photos brighter and really made them pop.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Movie Questions

1) What type of photography does Pete Souza practice as the president's photographer?
- Pete Souza practices photographic archive.

2) Who was the first president to have a photographer?
- President Lyndon Johnson was the first president to have a photographer.

3) What did Nixon do to his photographer?
- Nixon restricted the access of his photographer and told him to leave a broadcast.

4) The President's photographer's office used to be the what?
- The President's photographers office used to be a barber shop for the president.

5) Where are most of the photographer's photographs displayed?
- Most of the photographer's photographs are displayed on the wall in the halls of the West wing at the White House.

6) How long is the photographer's typical day?
- The photographer's typical day is usually all day long, Pete has to go wherever the President goes.

7) Can Pete delete photos if he does not like them? Why/why not?
- No, the photos are all part of the national archive and cannot be deleted by law.

8) Would you want to be the President's Photographer? Why/why not?
- I wouldn't want to be the President's photographer because even though it would be cool, I wouldn't want to have to work all day every day and dedicate all my time towards it.