Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Camera Obscura Activity

Camera Obscura Questions:

1) Were you able to construct a light proof box?
- Yes, we were able to construct a light proof box.

2) What effects did you observe as you moved the frame closer to, and farther from, the pinhole?
- As we moved the frame closer and farther to the pinhole, the image changed sizes.

3) What were the most significant challenges of this project?
- The most significant challenge of this activity was cutting the holes on the sides of the box.

4) What would you do differently?
- Next time, I would use a bigger box and just be a lot more careful while constructing it to make sure its accurate.

5) Explain why the image changed size on the tracing paper as the frame was moved closer to and farther away from the pinhole.
- The image changed size as we moved the tracing paper closer and farther from the pinhole because  the focal length was either being increased or reduced when moved.

6) How well did your team plan and work together?
- My team planned really well, we got everything done and worked efficiently together.

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