Wednesday, November 30, 2016


  1. What type of portrait is it (formal, informal, candid, fictional, or selfie)?
- Informal
      2.   Tell me does the image use the rule of thirds and how/why?
- These images use the rule of thirds because they're not bulls-eyed.
      3.   What type of balance does each image use (symmetrical, asymmetrical, or radial)?
- Asymmetrical
      4.   Which image do you like the best and why?
- I like the second image the best because it shows her personality

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Unique and representative of you: The mood of this photo is travel

My choice: The mood of this photo is summer

 Crop in tight: The colors in this photo give it a warm mood

 Rule of thirds: The mood of this photo is dreamy

Let the feet do the talking: The mood of this photo is warm

1. Did you use any devices or hacks?
- I didn't use any devices or hacks

2. Which is your favorite photo and why?
- My favorite photo is the one thats unique and representative of me because it was taken in New York which is my favorite place and shows my love for traveling.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Portraits - Playing with Balance

  1. Which type of balance do you think was most effective, why?
I think the top left rule of thirds balance is most effective because it lets your eye travel

      2.   Which type of balance was least effective, why?
I think the bottom right rule of thirds was least effective because it doesn't show enough of the subject.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Formal Portraits

1. What is your favorite portrait and why?
My favorite portrait is the first one because it shows his personality better
2. What was the easiest part of this process?
The easiest part of this process was taking the photos
3. What was the hardest part of the process?
The hardest part of the process was whitening the teeth because the tutorial was confusing